MaryKate Maher works in both sculpture and collage. She utilizes abstraction, symbols and repetitive forms to reference the body, geology and mythologies found in landscapes. Her sculptures focus on objects that are weighted and grounded, referencing lines, shapes and textures found in nature, such as rocks, site markers, and geological phenomena.
Maher’s collage works complement her sculptures by focusing on the compression of space and light. Her use of gradients and repetition of circular orbs create planes of depth, questioning their sense of volume and dimension.
In all of Maher’s works, forms and themes repeat like fragments of a visual grammar. Her application of different materials and components become foundational to her process where many small movements combine to create a larger voluminous form.
Jennifer Terzian Gallery, Night Bloom, Litchfield, CT (solo)
FORMah Gallery, Beyond the Mauve Zone, New York, NY (solo)
Gold Scopophilia, Echo Echo, Montclair, NJ (solo)
PrattMWP Gallery, Munson Williams Proctor Arts Institute, Douglas Degges and MaryKate Maher, Utica, NY
Time Equities Inc. Art in Buildings, West 10th Window, Portable Landscape, New York, NY (solo)
Little Metal Print, View Finder, organized by Amanda McDonald Crowley, Brooklyn, NY (solo)
A.I.R. Gallery, Invisible Float, Brooklyn, NY (solo)
Catskill Art Society, Three Dimensions, Livingston Manor, NY (solo)
Artspace, Geometric Geologic: Laura Moriarty & MaryKate Maher, Raleigh, NC
Nurture Art, Braced Position, Brooklyn, NY (solo)
Daylight Savings, Parallel Grounds: Work by MaryKate Maher and Willie Wayne Smith, Brooklyn, NY
Real Art Ways, Auspicious Positions, Hartford, CT (solo)
Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery, White Noise, curated by Devrim Kadirbeyoglu, Brooklyn, NY
Kelly Writer’s House, University of Pennsylvania, Dissolution of the (w)hole, Philadelphia, PA (solo)
Shelter Gallery, Summer Reading, New York, NY
FORMah Gallery, The Feminine Divine, curated by Marina Press Granger, New York, NY
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Annenberg Gallery, No Synthetic Colors, curated by Hallie Ringle, Philadelphia, PA
FORMah Gallery, Lateral Expansion, curated by Audra Lambert, New York, NY
Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, Concept, Gimpo, South Korea
I Like Your Work, At the Party, curated by Jane Kang Lawrence, online and in print
JEFF, More Than Words Can Say, Marfa, TX
Petty Cash, Dog Park, curated by Field Projects and Janice Sloan, Brooklyn, NY
Yi Gallery, Embraces, Brooklyn, NY
The Yard: Lincoln Square, Portals, curated by Jacqueline Ferrante, New York, NY
MoCA Wesport, Élan Vital, curated by Emily White and Max Teicher, Westport, CT
Hesse Flatow, Glyphadelphia, curated by Carl D’Alvia, New York, NY
Peep Space, Flat File 2020, Tarrytown, NY
Triangle Arts Association, Art Mutters, curated by Annesofie Sandal, Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn Army Terminal, When Artists Enter the Factories, curated by Jia-Jen Lin and Srinivas Aditya, Brooklyn, NY
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, The Disappearing Ground, curated by C.J. Stahl, Philadelphia, PA
Central Connecticut State University, Blazing on the Pinnacles and Minarets and Balanced Rocks, curated by Layet Johnson, New Britain, CT
Community Room, Conference Object, curated by R. Subtler, Cairo, NY
A.I.R. Gallery, Taken on Trust, Governor’s Island, NY
Skowhegan, Personals, New York, NY
SPRING/BREAK Art Show, To See The Moon Fall From The Sky, curated by Will Hutnick and Mark Joshua Epstein, New York, NY
SRO Gallery, There Is Absolutely No Inevitability As Long As There Is A Willingness To Contemplate What Is Happening, curated by John Ros, Brooklyn, NY
Sardine, Space Oddity, curated by Matthew Mahler, Brooklyn, NY
Projekt722, In Our Cave We See Shadows, curated by Fanny Allié & Ketta Ioannidou, Brooklyn, NY
99 cent plus, Magic Object, curated by Rico Gatson, Brooklyn, NY
Ground Floor Gallery, Hello Again, Bushwick! Brooklyn, NY
TSA Gallery, Night Flight, curated by Jackie Hoving and Norm Paris, Brooklyn, NY
The Buggy Factory, Passing, Left, curated by Enrico Gomez and The Dorado Project, Brooklyn, NY
SPRING/BREAK Art Show, In Between Meanings, curated by Rachel Phillips, New York, NY
2014, The Communal Table, curated by Bjoern Meyer-Ebrecht, feature issue 115
The Parlour Bushwick, Show #9, Brooklyn, NY
Interstate Projects, In Free Fall, curated by Rachel Steinberg, Brooklyn, NY
The Wassaic Project, Homeward Found, Wassaic, NY
Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill Project V, Peekskill, NY
BRIC Rotunda Gallery, 8 Artists Making Sculpture, curated by Jamie Sterns, BRIC Arts| Media | Bklyn, Brooklyn, NY
AIRPLANE, Grounded, curated by Rico Gatson, Brooklyn, NY
The Onderdonk House, Sculpture Garden, curated by Lesley Heller and Deborah Brown, Queens, NY
BRIC Rotunda Gallery, The Bricoleurs, curated by Christian Fuller and Risa Shoup, Brooklyn, NY
Hinge Gallery, Group Exhibition of Gallery Artists, Chicago, IL
Like the Spice, Layer Current, Brooklyn, NY
Studio 10, Copia Cartacea, curated by Paul D’Agostino, Brooklyn, NY
Kunstwerk Carlshutte, NordArt 2011, Budelsdorf, Germany
Das Gift, A4, curated by Una Tittel, Berlin, Germany
Centotto, Landscapes Metamorphic, Topologies Chrometoplastic, Brooklyn, NY
STOREFRONT, New Year New Work New Faces, Brooklyn, NY
Abrons Art Center, The West at Sunset, New York, NY
Socrates Sculpture Park, EAF 10 : Emerging Artist Fellowship Exhibition, Queens NY
Nurture Art, Duck and Decorated Shed, Brooklyn, NY
Centotto, Spazi Segreti, or Mendacity, Mood, Brooklyn, NY
Factory Fresh, Among Darkened Woods, Brooklyn, NY
Grace Exhibition Space, Artsync, Brooklyn NY
Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, Exquisite Corpse, Newark NJ
Union Gallery, Inaugural Exhibition, New York, NY
Silvershed, ABCyz, New York, NY
C.R.E.A.M. projects, Whitney’s Bi-ennial, Brooklyn NY
Abrons Art Center, Twin Infinities, New York, NY
Dam, Stuhltrager Gallery, Au Courant, Brooklyn, NY
Takt kunstprojektraum, Die Ansammlung, Berlin, Germany
Vox Populi, Voxxoxo, Philadelphia, PA
D.u.m.b.o. Arts Center, Coercive Atmospherics, Brooklyn NY
Kouros Gallery, Wrote for Luck, New York, NY
Slought Foundation, Back to the Front, Philadelphia, PA
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Museum, Suitable for Hanging, Philadelphia PA
District of Columbia Arts Center, Girls Against Boys, Washington D.C.
Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts, The Future is Now: An MFA Biennial, Wilmington, DE
2023 / Millay Arts, Residency, Austerlitz, NY
2020 / Wassaic Project, Residency, Wassaic, NY
2017 / Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Emergency Grant, New York, NY
Vermont Studio Center, Residency, Johnson, VT
2016 / A.I.R. Gallery, Fellowship, Brooklyn, NY
The Studios at MASS MoCA, Residency, North Adams, MA
The Wassaic Project, Residency, Wassaic, NY
2015 / Rema Hort Mann Foundation (Nominee) Emerging Artist Grant, New York, NY
2012 / The Wassaic Project, Residency, Wassaic, NY
Franconia Sculpture Park, Open Studio Fellowship, Franconia, MN
Yaddo, Fellowship, Saratoga Springs, NY
2011 / New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Sculpture Fellowship, New York, NY
Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Emergency Grant, New York, NY
2010 / Socrates Sculpture Park, Emerging Artist Fellowship, Queens, NY
Vermont Studio Center, Residency, Johnson, VT
2008 / Henry Street Settlement Abrons Arts Center, Artist in Residence, New York NY
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME
Takt kunstprojektraum, Residency, Berlin, Germany
Vermont Studio Center, Residency, Johnson, VT
2006 / MacDowell Colony, Fellowship, Peterborough, NH
2004 / MFA Faculty Award, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
Joan Mitchell Foundation (Nominee) MFA Grant Program, New York, NY
2003 / Justine Cretella Memorial Scholarship, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
2001 / Arcadia University Gallery Award, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA
_Quiet Lunch, “Beyond the Mauve Zone: MaryKate Maher’s Daring Solo Exhibit with FORMah Gallery” October 5, 2023
_ANTEmag, “21 Artists to Watch in 2021: Part 2 of 2021’s Movers and Shakers” January 25, 2021
_ANTEmag, ‘Artist Spotlight on MaryKate Maher’ August 12, 2020
_Brooklyn Army Terminal, When Artists Enter the Factories, Exhibition Catalog, October 2019
_Mirkovic, Chandler: Art Zealous “Artist MaryKate Maher is Shaping the World Around Her, Literally” August 29, 2018
_Blouin ArtInfo, “MaryKate Maher’s ‘Invisible Float’ at A.I.R. Gallery, New York” May 4, 2017
_Schwendener, Martha : The New York Times, “10 Galleries to Visit Now in Brooklyn” April 27, 2017
_Athens Library, D. R. Evarts Library. Vol 1, No 4, 2017
_ SRO Gallery, There Is Absolutely No Inevitability As Long As There Is A Willingness To Contemplate What Is Happening, Exhibition Catalog, September 2016
_Lesser, Casey : Artsy, "15 New York Gallery Shows Where You'll Find Exciting Young Artists This June, "June 2, 2016
_D’Agostino, Paul: Brooklyn Magazine, “Enchantments Aplenty: Magic Object” July 27, 2015, “The Communal Table” Feature Issue 115 December 3, 2014
_Vartanian, Hrag: Hyperallergic “The Story of 13 Artists Who Sat Down at a Communal Table” May 30, 2014
_D’Agostino, Paul: L Magazine “5 Brooklyn Artists You Need to Know” Vol 12 No 6, March 2014
_Dunne, Susan: Hartford Current “Jamie Sneider, MaryKate Maher At Real Art Ways,One Exhibit Challenges Concepts Of Landscape, Another Inspired By Collaboration With Father” January 23, 2013,0,6752406.story
_Real Art Ways, “MaryKate Maher - Auspicious Positions” exhibition catalog, 2013.
_ SIgned X. Issue 1, 18-24. Summer 2012
_D’Agostino, Paul: L Magazine “Grounded: Sculpted Beauty” August 15, 2012
_Johnson, Paddy: Art Fag City “Recommended Bushwick Open Studio: MaryKate Maher” May 31, 2012
_Blumenthal, Carl: Brooklyn Daily Eagle ” Exhibits at Rotunda are a Mixed Bag” February 9, 2012
_BRIC Rotunda Gallery, The Bricoleurs, Exhibition Catalog, January 2012
_DiMeo, Mia: “Unhinged” January 16, 2012
_Kunstwerk Carlshutte NordArt 2011 Exhibition Catalog, 204. June 2011
_Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey, Newark. Exquisite Corpse: Paul Robeson Galleries 30th Anniversary Exhibition Catalog, November 19, 2009
_Harper, Alana: “I Wanna Make Art With Somebody” August 29, 2009
_Walleston, Aimee: Art in America “Whitney’s Biennial Gives Young Artists a Second Chance at a Biennial.” August 28, 2009 - news/2009-08-28/whitneys-biennial/
_Kim, Joan: The Greenpoint Gazette “Whitney’s Biennial” September 3, 2009
_Williams, James Jay III: BOMBlog, Bomb Magazine “Out and About, Twin Infinities” June 22, 2009
_Nooan Magazine. Issue #1 Animal, 9. June 2008
_Haikes, Belinda. Life, the Universe and Art. October 27, 2007
_Fallon, Roberta: Philadelphia Weekly “Hair Force: Vox’s provocative art gets to your heart” July 18, 2007
_Cohen, David: Artworld Digest, Seed Issue, 7, 2007
2008 / Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Madison, ME
2004 / Master of Fine Arts / The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
2001 / Bachelor of Fine Arts / Arcadia University, Glenside, PA
1999 / The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK